25 February, 2014

12 days old

We've survived 12 days without breaking her!  :) :) :)

Breastfeeding has been interesting. .. I had to start with formula supplementation via SNS tube in the hospital on sunday.  Apparently my 2 drops of colostrum wasn't cutting it.  Thankfully I was healing fine and Lilly stayed within their ' normal ' weight loss threshold so we got to go home on Monday.  What an exciting day!  We were both soo nervous!  We got home, looked around, and were like "ok now what?!" Haha.  10 minutes later I realized we had no formula and nothing for Lilly to eat. J scrambled to the store quick. 

Tuesday early morning I had some milk come in!  Was able to stop the formula that afternoon because I was pinning enough to feed her finally.  Such a good feeling!! By Wednesday, I was getting enough to stockpile in the fridge.  2-4 oz at a pump. Woot!  We had a little drama trying to figure out how to get off the tube. After an office call, numerous Facebook posts for help, and some tears I scheduled a lactation consult.  Friday was great because Lilly had gained weight and the lactation specialist was so helpful.  Today is Tuesday and aside from her being a sleepy nurser, we are rocking the boob.  Lilly is up to 8lbs 1oz today; big fatty!  

Sleep had been another story... She is so mixed up.  She sleeps fine in her crib but doesn't sleep especially well in the cradle in our room.  No room for the crib in our bedroom so we decided to upgrade to the 2 bedroom in 2 weeks instead of waiting until October.  I'm exhausted.  J is halfway sleeping because at this point he can't really help me at night time.  Luckily this girl is super cute and smiles big gummy grins in her sleep when she finally sleeps at 5am. So adorable my heart melts. 

We had our newborn photo shoot on Saturday.  We got a couple proofs- I can not wait to see the rest! !!!

Yesterday,  at 11 days old, she lost her belly button!

Its still hard to believe she's here....and she's ours! ♥

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